Monday, May 5, 2008

And a Few More..

April and May are great months for bird-watching. I didn't get out much last month, mainly because of the cold, but am finally getting out to try and catch the last wave of the spring migration. I've seen birds that I knew existed...but never knew to look for before. Added 5 more new birds to my list today, 3 of them at Bluff Woods Conservation Area and 2 while waiting for my son to finish up baseball practice.

1) Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher; small bird, as you might expect, blue and gray with white outer tail feathers. 99% sure.
2) Black and White Warbler; amazing bird! Looks like a flying zebra. 100% sure.
3) Indigo Bunting; another beautiful bird! I got a pretty good look at it, dark blue shading to black with light wings...except for the yellow patch at the throat, may have been the same bird from yesterday. Was singing up a storm, and I think I matched the song when I compared it to WhatBird's songs (click on the listen to voice link). 95% sure.

Those are the three I saw at the conservation area. I was pretty thrilled. But then, while I was waiting in my truck in the elementary school parking lot, I got to watching the back yard of a house with some flowering trees. I heard a chipping sparrow, saw some robins and grackels, and then I spotted something different up in the flowering tree...

4) Orchard Oriole; I've never seen one of these birds before. Orioles are gorgeous birds...this was no exception. As I watched him... I caught a flash of orange and OH MY GOD there's a...
5) Baltimore Oriole; in my opinion, THE most beautiful bird, period. He was hidden inside the leavs of the tree, but once I knew he was there, I got several great looks at him. My son came over after practice, and he got a good look too and was very impressed.

A great haul! Up to 76 birds now and am excited about the rest of the month.

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