Saturday, September 21, 2019

Over the years ...

I've tried many different diets. I've been fortunate to have pretty good health overall; unfortunately an all-too-healthy appetite combined with poor eating habits has led to weight struggles. Both parents were heavy so yes I'm sure there is a genetic component ... and I'm also aware that eating fills holes caused by depression, boredom, etc. I'm 60 years old and I'd like to live long enough to see my grandkids play high school sports AND have the energy to go watch them. And I refuse to buy new bigger clothes. So ...

Barring weight loss surgery (something brought up by my doctor) it seems that the best way to go is becoming vegan (or vegetarian). This scratches several itches for me ... environmental, animal friendly, and health-wise.

But ... there are huge cultural and habit barriers. So perhaps I'll simply start slow. I hesitate to compare it to addiction, however many of the excuses, the behaviors, etc ARE very similar to an addicts. So ... one day at a time. And we will see.

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