Words guaranteed to cause multiple millons of people to lose sleep and start sweating profusely. Not me. Due to having children, and being careful with deductions, we hardly ever have to pay much, and more often get a refund. Thanks to GW, this year we're getting a super refund... $1200 or $1600, I'm not sure, but ... my wife knows. Heh.
Anyway, we're big fans of Dave Ramsey and his method of budgeting and getting out of debt. We'll be sitting down over the next day or two and planning how to best spend this windfall.
I'm a bit geeky when it comes to playing around with spreadsheets and making elaborate budgets and plans, but I'm always reminded of the old military proverb "no plan survives contact with the enemy". The enemy of course being the desire to buy something that comes with having an extra $100 in your pocket. Ramsey uses an envelope system... put cash in the envelope and when it's gone, it's gone, no more Starbucks this month.
It works. But it takes effort and discipline, something that we consumers aren't very good at.
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