That's why no player is worth 12 million. Especially in a small market like Kansas City. The expectations are too great.
On to the 2008 NFL draft. The Chiefs, through bad management (4-12 record in 2007) and questionable trades (Jared Allen to the Vikings), ended up with 2 first round picks, a second round, and 3 third round picks. Die-hard fans were about evenly split amongst two opinions.
1) Carl Peterson, a notorious draft botcher, would find a way to botch even this bountiful draft
and 2) Not even Carl Peterson, a notorious draft botcher, could completely botch this bountiful draft.
I lean towards 2) and feel somewhat optimistic after the Chiefs took two pretty much can't miss players in the first round. Glenn Dorsey and Branden Albert are, by nearly all accounts, two pro-bowl franchise anchor type players. Of course injury and poor handling (something else Peterson has a rep for) can always occur...
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