Wow! Just finished reading Breaking Dawn after reading for 8 straight hours. I actually picked up my sister-in-laws copy last night from B&N, started early this morning (fending off her repeated inquiries about the whereabouts of her book) and just now finished it.What can I say about this book?
I guess first of all the reader needs some perspective… I’m a 49-year-old male high school science teacher. I read the first book on a recommendation from my librarian wife, along with recommendations from several of my students. I thought the first book was ok, liked the second book far more, and was satisfied with the ending of the third book as a wrap-up to the series. Especially since I felt that Ms. Meyer had painted herself into a rather difficult plot corner to get out of.
When I heard that there was to be a fourth book in the “trilogy” I wasn’t sure that it was a great idea since I feared that Ms. Meyer would have to use some very contrived solutions in order for everybody to “live happily ever after”.
I was sorely mistaken. Her solutions to the problems of Bella becoming a vampire, and the love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob Black were nothing short of brilliant. And the showdown scene between the Volturi coven and the Cullen family (and allies) was riveting, with a very satisfying (bloodless) outcome.
I have to say that the ending of this story was far more satisfying than the ending of the Harry Potter saga. Ms. Meyer has even left us with a few tantalizing possibilities for future installments…
Things that I really liked:
The half-vampire, half human child, Renesmee. I felt that she was an amazing addition to the story, and a very neat solution to the problem of Bella’s desire to become a vampire. I spent the first three books hoping that Bella would NOT have to lose her humanity in order ‘consummate’ her love affair with Edward, all while knowing that she eventually would. I’m still not totally happy with it, but it’s better than letting her die which she surely would have.
The introduction and inclusion of other vampires around the world. This opens up many possibilities for future interactions and stories. I especially liked the nomads and the South American vampires.
Things that I didn’t like:
The idea that being a vampire is so easy. If it was so easy and so great, why did Edward argue so long and so hard (in the first three books) for Bella NOT to become one? I understand that Bella broke many of the rules for the transformation… still once she made it through… what’s not to love about having super powers and super sex for the rest of eternity?
The way that Charlie and Renee are kind of left out of the whole loop. My daughter gets married and then nearly dies from some mysterious aliment contracted on her honeymoon… I would be making a much bigger deal out of it. Renee never even shows up after the wedding. Charlie is finally brought in on things… sort of.
All in all, I really liked the book. It was a satisfying end to an interesting story. As a guy, I probably complained over much about the mushy stuff and the wedding scenes… but by about p.100 I was completely hooked into the book. Pretty good Ms. Meyer!! Thank you!
Wow - you are so NOT the target demographic :) I haven't read any of the series, but I don't mind the spoilers. By the time I get around to reading them (if I ever do) I'm sure I will have forgotten.
Followed your link from LT!
thanks Lenore for the reminder... I meant to mention about the spoilers, usually do :-)
no I am not your typical Meyer fan, I'm sure. Im also on team Jacob which puts me doubly in the minority.
followed the link from LT. Nice reveiw especially impressed by someone not of the target audience
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